Top 8 Healthy Herbal Teas!
Herbal tea has seen a bit of a revival in the past few years, and has escaped the dreary sludge of being regarded as something only hippies or grandmothers consume.
It's a bit strange drinking English tea for breakfast tea more than it would be to drink something that is herbal However, when you think about the health benefits associated with certain infusions you can see the reason.
Since it's National Tea Day, we thought it would be a good idea to review the teas that provide your body and mind with the boost it requires.
Niche 'Skin' Herbal Tea
Helps: promote clear skin
This blend of white tea is packed with antioxidants that assist in flushing out any toxins on your skin. The root of burdock is rich in iron, which helps fight the appearance of paleness. The beneficial anti-inflammatory qualities of rose petals and the red clover can help reduce breakouts. Drink it every day before eating anything to reap the most effective outcomes, particularly after a night of drinking and partying.
Pukka Gold Turmeric
Helps with cramps in the menstrual cycle
Pukka’s new turmeric gold tea is both refreshing and uplifting. There are numerous benefits to taking turmeric supplements however, our favorite has to be the fact that it can assist in relieving menstrual cramps. This recipe combines lemon and cardamom into organic green tea, creating an incredibly flavorful blend and drinkable. To get the best flavor make sure to brew it for about 4 minutes before sipping slowly when you feel the first sign of discomfort.
Chamomile Tea
Helps: hair growth
While we all know that the calming properties of chamomile tea but its ability to assist in stimulating hair growth is not well-known to the majority of people. Antiseptics help eliminate dead skin cells hindering growth, while also decreasing split ends and increasing the appearance of shine and Lustre. If you're eagerly awaiting growing your hair, consider drinking this drink twice per day (morning and evening). The Teapigs version of the drink keeps the flower intact so that the drink can enjoy the full taste.
Snooze Sleepy Tea
Helps to ensure a restful night's rest
If you're having trouble falling to sleep you could be due to your endless checking Instagram and Facebook routine that you cannot ever seem to get rid of. However, there are ways to fight it, and still enjoy your social media feed. An herbal tea that has relaxing properties might be the thing you need: Teapigs have created the Snooze tea with lavender and sweet apple to help you relax, allowing you fall asleep an unnatural sleep. Do you want to sip it prior to bed while browsing across your Instagram feed? It's a win-win.
Dr. Stuart's Slim Tea
Helps: maintain weight
If you're finding you pounding the pavement around 3pm, only to reach for a sweet treat to help keep you going until dinner, this tea might aid in breaking the cycle. It is made from fennel and dandelion roots, it helps to reduce appetite and reduce cravings, and, consequently, will reduce the likelihood of the bloating. The sweetness will lessen the need for unhealthy food items while the fact that it's caffeine-free allows you to drink it throughout the day.
Heath & Heather Energising Time Tea Time Tea
Helps Get you up
The truth is that getting up to work is generally a nightmare. Whatever the reason, you don't think you've had enough rest and you often wake up feeling as if you've just woken up from an insanity. This vibrant tea can help to get you up from your sleep; mix Ginseng root and Amazonian Guarana to give you a natural energy boost. Get the teabag and the mug ready in the kettle so that when you wake up, you can sip one cup prior to your workout or your daily commute. Be aware that Guarana has twice the amount of caffeine than coffee which means it's sure to kick your day with the umph.
Niche 'Mind' Tea
Helpsto: anxiety and stress
If you are struggling to concentrate your thoughts it is advisable to try a natural remedy, such as this can be more gentle on your body than the over-the-counter medications. Yerba Mate (a type of the holly leaf) helps digestion, which could cause problems with concentration as well as lemongrass and cinnamon. Both assist in stimulating and also the Gotu Kola plant relieves stress and anxiety. When combined, these plants do not just help in focusing your mind, but also taste delicious. Drink them whenever you begin feeling overwhelmed by stress.
Strawberry Hibiscus Tea
Aids to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and improves the immune system.
Pretty packaging isn't the only thing the tea has to offer. Strawberry hibiscus tea has an incredibly bright and berry-like flavor and is awash in Vitamin C that helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure and fight off any infections that may be circulating.
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